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 All of our luxury pillowcases are made with the finest quality silk, and are available in a range of colors and sizes to suit all needs.


Each pillowcase is expertly crafted to provide you with a luxurious and comfortable sleeping experience. This luxurious pillowcase is the perfect way to give your bed a touch of sophistication and elegance.


Each pillowcase is made with an invisible zipper to prevent the pillow case from slipping off of the pillowcase at night.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I will gladly answer any question with complete honesty.


Thank you in advance for your support!

Luxury Pillowcase (2 Pillowcases)

  • Hair care:
    The scarf is a single layer of silk that can help hair retain moisture, help maintain protective styles, prevent split ends, and decrease tangling. 

    This item can compliment any outfit without the worrying of your hair rubbing again clothing that can break off your hair. 

    It also can be added to your purse to add something special, plus have it just in case you need to cover up or wrap your hair for an unexpected overnight stay. 

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